
air freshener

Keep your house smelling great! Make this air freshener with items from around your house!

Project cost: $0

Project time to completion: 5 min

Project materials: baking soda, glass jar(s), essential oils and/or herbs

1. Collected some random jars from around your house

2. Filled these jars, almost to the top, with baking soda

3. Add essential oils (only 10 drops to the pictured shallow jar) and/or dried or fresh herbs

4. Stir and set in place


I like to use fresh scented essential oils like Citrus Fresh or Lavender or Eucalyptus. However, if you do not have essential oils, you can use fresh or dried herbs. These jars will last for a couple weeks at full strength. Then add more oils or herbs to perk up! I put these in my closets to freshen up that old house stench!  

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